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Christian Discipleship - Selecting the Right Bible

Many people do not understand that thee are many translations of the Holy Canon of God. For this reason, we wanted to provide you with a proper understanding of how you need to use discernment in selecting your Bible of study. The ark side (satan0 wants us to know about God but does not want us to have a relationship with Him. satan uses every vehicle to make sure we do not conform to the correct teachings of God. This starts with the book you use to do your study. Therefore, we are providing a five part educational series to give you the history of the Bible, its translations and how you can use this educational in selecting the right Bible for you.

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Miembro desconocido
08 sept 2024

As certainly the KJVB of 1611 is favorable to be used by the English speaker, one should consider learning the more basic knowledge having the Hebrew translations to refer to and to add the Massera

to one's studies as well. There is a letter in the front of your KJVB stated by the translators that they

have done their best with their resources, however they reconized that there are difficulties in the

translations and suggest one study for other resources as well. To add to the difficluites too are the translations from Greek to Hebrew as well.

Mike Richey

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Miembro desconocido
16 abr 2024

ISR translation is a very very good one

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