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Christian Discipleship - Salvation

In order to properly study the process of salvation, what it means, how to understand it and how to apply the doctrine of Christ based upon salvation to our lives we will start from the beginning. We will start slow and build upon each teaching in order for you to have the study time and pray to discuss these teachings with God the Father in accordance with scripture. We will put forth processes and disciplines that will cause you to pause. This is perfectly usual in this journey with Christ. You will be given Biblical principles to build your understand of the Bible, discipleship, and leadership not only in your life but the lives of your family and those in your network of friends.

There are many changes in one's life when they decide to come to the knowledge of their sinful nature and what God provides and requires of each of us in this walk with Christ. At first one might think "what have I gotten myself into." But it is important to stay the course of change and allow God to take over your life. The first thing we must understand is we are not our own. Regardless of what you may think we are all bought with a price. That price was God through His Son-ship died, was buried and resurrected for the purchase of our life.

The course is free. All we ask is if you are lead in your heart to donate please do so. We ask you measure your donation by the blessing you have received from this series.

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