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GIG Public Classes for Biblical and World History Knowledge

We are offering two types of knowledge classes that are free and open to the public.

The first is titled Biblical World Masterclass. It features its studies and discussions on understanding the world history from the view of biblical scriptures. We started this off by calling it Thursday Night Lives which was held every Thursday night. We have changed the name to more reflect the discussions and study and the fact that we have expanded the sessions beginning in December 2020 to twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning at 6PM CST. 


The second type of knowledge class will be called The Teachings of Yeshua. This will be a bible study each and every Sunday morning beginning at 10AM CST. It will focus on the study of the bible scripture by scripture.


Registration is not required just click on the zoom link below to join any class. The Masterclasses are completely free to all website guests. Please invite friends and family to participate in subjects of history tied to biblical truths. Please check out the Live topic listed on the home page.


All World History Masterclasses and the Teachings of Yeshua will be recorded and posted on Rumble and published for the public to view. Along with these Masterclasses we are posting downloadable documents as well. So to access the video's transcripts, PowerPoint presentations and handouts please go to the GiG Biblical Library and select the subject matter you wish to view. Click here to go to the Biblical Library.

On Tuesday nights at 6PM CST we have  an open discussion and questions & answer session about world history and biblical studies. These are recorded and will be published to those who attend these sessions. These will not be published on RUmble because we address personal issues that do not need to be publicized. These can be watched and downloaded. Click on World History and Biblical Open Discussion to get to these videos.


We think this will add a unique feature to the overall educational process and can bring an interactive nature to those who wish to attend.


If you wish to have a topic covered in one of our Masterclass please send the topic to us via contact.


Christ tells each of us to tithe. It is asked that if you are receiving blessing from these teachings that you honor Christ and tithe with us.  God will use your tithe in furthering this ministry. Please click on the Support Us in the above navigation bar.


If you wish to join any of these classes just click the zoom link at the time of the class.

Join Zoom Meeting


Look forward to making your educational experience fun and enjoyable!

©2020 by God Is Government. Proudly created with

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